Stories by author "Larry Millet": 7
Arthur and Elsa Koenig (Koenig-Osgood) House
Although this vigorous Italianate house has lost its corner tower and part of its wraparound porch, it still offers many exuberant details, such as the attenuated columns and ornate brackets found on the remaining porches. Arthur and Elsa Koenig…
Henry and Hilda Defiel House
A mix of rigor and romanticism. The main mass of the house is quite subdued, its forms outlined by long bands of precisely detailed ornament. By contrast, the house’s pointy-headed tower, from which a pair of semicircular dormers erupt like giant…
Michael and Rose Walter House
An exceptionally well-preserved Italianate house that includes a Hamm’s Brewery and whose wife, Emma, was the sister of their next-door neighbor, Otto Muller.
This house was built in 1880.
First Baptist Church
A historic limestone church, built for what is now Minnesota’s oldest Baptist congregation, founded in 1847 when pioneer teacher Harriet Bishop established a Sunday School. The first church was on Baptist Hill (now Mears Park); this church-the…
Assumption Catholic Church and Father Emmett Cashman Building (Assumption School)
[Built in 1874, Assumption Church is] St. Paul’s oldest functioning church structure and a nationally significant example of the nineteenth-century revival style variously known as Romanesque, Lombard, or even the “Round Style.” Built of the gray,…
Robert Street Bridge
The first bridge here opened in 1886 and served until the early 1920s, when a higher bridge was required to accommodate a raised railroad platform at St. Paul Union Depot. Designed by Toltz, King and Day of St. Paul, the bridge is a type known as a…
Wabasha Street Bridge
The first bridge here opened in 1859; at that time, only two other bridges- the Hennepin Avenue Suspension Bridge (1855) in Minneapolis and a railroad bridge (1856) at Rock Island, IL- spanned the Mississippi. The original bridge was replaced by a…