Past Matron's Grove

Inside of the municipal forest is an almost forgotten historical remnant. Its first mention appeared in the St. Paul Park Department records at the turn of the last century: “The grove will be known as the Past Matrons Grove of the Order of Eastern Star and will be used as a gathering place for members of the order." It was created in a section of the Municipal Forest, a short hike south of where today’s Burns Avenue and Point Douglas road come together in an area once referred to as “Six Corners” because of the earlier intersection of three roads.

The trees of the grove were placed in the shape of a star, the emblem of the O.E.S., a Freemasonry organization. From records, it appears that the group initially planted ten hackberries as memorials to past matrons, their presiding officers. Others trees were dedicated at different times as additional memorials. It seems to have been years since it has been visited by the O.E.S. and, while deteriorated, hikers with careful eyes can still find the remnants of the Past Matron’s Grove if they head into the edge of Municipal Forest.

