Sons of Israel Synagogue

The Sons of Israel Synagogue was located at 110 Robertson Street, this street no longer exists and ran between and parallel to State and Eva Streets.

The building is shown on the Hopkins 1916 map, but no other information has been located about the congregation.

Surveyed during the process of reviewing properties for the Riverview Industrial Project the assessor completed a highly detailed document that included photographs not just of the exterior but the interior as well. He described the furnishings, lighting, and condition of the building to the extent of counting the number and types of light bulbs.

None of the other surveys were as complete as this one; it is as good as any well-researched architectural description:
"The synagogue is a large rectangular frame two story structure, with a wood tap siding and composition roof. The exterior is in very poor condition, and is badly in need of paint. There are many windows which have been broken and are boarded up.
"The roof of the church extends out past the main building and is supported by four wooden pillars which rest on a concrete block portico below. This portion of the building is set back approximately five feet from the sidewalk."

